NON-CRISIS 1-800-299-3699

NON-CRISIS 1-806-337-1000

Saving Lives

Sometimes life’s circumstances seem extremely overwhelming. Call our crisis hotline at 806-359-6699 or go to a local emergency room if you are contemplating suicide. Your life is worth it.
Texas Panhandle Centers assists thousands of Panhandle residents annually. Numerous individuals have received services that have not only made their lives better, but saved their life. Through various services, Texas Panhandle Centers helps Texans diagnosed with mental illness, intellectual and developmental disabilities, or developmental delays lead productive and fulfilling lives.
If you or someone you know suspects mental illness, contact a health care professional immediately. Detection is the first step towards recovery.

If you are in crisis, or for information about services, please call our crisis line at:
806-359-6699 (in the Amarillo area) or 1-800-692-4039 (toll free)

Other Resources:
For signs, symptoms and support regarding suicide, visit
American Association of Suicidology

National Suicide Pevention Lifeline

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Military Veterans Suicide Hotline:
1-800-273-TALK 8255 (Press 1)
Suicide Hotline in Spanish:
1-800-273-TALK 8255 (Press 2)

LGBT Youth Suicide Hotline:

iPhone Suicide Prevention App

All Texas Panhandle Center services are available
to area residents without regard to race, national
origin, sex, age, religion, or disability.